Connect the Past to the Present. Racism around the world has a long and appalling past. From slavery to Jim Crow and segregation, there is a lot to teach about race and racism. When you discuss current incidents of racism and injustice, it is often helpful to ground the discussions in an historical context. Where relevant, provide historical background to connect the past to the present.
Structural racism which oppresses and marginalizes people of color through societal institutions like education, law enforcement, voting, employment and other systems.
Sponsors: The Village of Fort Simpson The Ministry of Diversity and inclusion and Youth Department of Canadian Heritage/ Ministere du Patrimoine Sponsors: Unity Sotre Fort Simpson Sponsors: Fort Simpson School Board
Saturday 23rd, October 2020 2020Community Centre, Fort Simpson, NWT Organized by AACA Time: 3PM – 8PM
Race talk : Engaging the young the old in conversations about race and racism.
Connect the Past to the Present. Racism around the world has a long and appalling past. From slavery to Jim Crow and segregation, there is a lot to teach about race and racism. When you discuss current incidents of racism and injustice, it is often helpful to ground the discussions in an historical context. Where relevant, provide historical background to connect the past to the present.
Structural racism which oppresses and marginalizes people of color through societal institutions like education, law enforcement, voting, employment and other systems.
Sponsors: The Village of Fort Simpson
The Ministry of Diversity and inclusion and Youth
Department of Canadian Heritage/ Ministere du Patrimoine
Sponsors: Unity Sotre Fort Simpson
Sponsors: Fort Simpson School Board
Saturday 23rd, October 2020
2020Community Centre, Fort Simpson, NWT
Organized by AACA Time: 3PM – 8PM
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